Kevin E Wehrly
Institute for Fisheries Research
212 Museums Annex Building
1109 N. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1084
Phone: 734-663-3554
Fax: 734-663-9399
E-mail: [email protected]
  • Ph.D. 1999, Natural Resources, University of Michigan.

  • M.S. 1994, Natural Resources, University of Michigan.

  • B.S. 1991, Biology, Ohio Northern University.

Positions Held
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2002-present, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.
  • Fisheries Biology Specialist, 2003-present; Fisheries Research Biologist, 2000-2003, Institute for Fisheries Research, Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1999-2000, USEPA, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Ecosystem Research Branch.
  • Lecturer, 1999, University of Michigan Biological Station.
  • Graduate Research Assistant, 1991-1999, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.
  • Graduate Student Instructor, 1992-1998, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan and University of Michigan Biological Station.
  • Short-term Worker, 1991-1993, Institute for Fisheries Research, Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
  • Laboratory Assistant, 1989-1991, Biology Department, Ohio Northern University.
Courses Taught
  • ENVIRON 422 / EEB 440 / NRE 422 Biology of Fishes
  • ENVIRON 423 / EEB 441 / NRE 423 Biology of Fishes Laboratory
  • EEB 486 Biology and Ecology of Fishes (UMBS)
Professional Activities
  • Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
  • Guest Lecturer, Fish Ecology (UM), Win 03, Introduction to Natural Science (UMBS), Spring 02, Fisheries Science, (UM) Fall 01. Ichthyology, Ohio Northern University, Fall 94.
  • Co-Organizer, Aquatic Ecosystem Seminar Series, SNRE, University of Michigan, 2001.
  • Symposium Co-Organizer and Moderator, Applying the Landscape Perspective to the Study of Stream Fishes in Midwestern Rivers, 126th Annual AFS, MI. 1996.
  • Organizer and Presenter, Internet Workshop, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE. 1996.
  • Organizer, Internet Workshop, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Detroit, MI. 1995.
  • Chair, Student Affairs Committee, North Central Division AFS, 1994-96.
  • Chair, Student Concerns Committee, Michigan Chapter AFS, 1994-96.
  • Chair, Raffle Committee, Michigan Chapter AFS, 1993.
  • Founding Author, Michigan Chapter AFS Internet Homepage, 1993.
  • S-Award ($800), USEPA. 2000.
  • On-the-Spot Award ($100). USEPA, 2000.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship. USEPA, 1999.
  • Buffalo Award ($200). SNRE, University of Michigan, 1999.
  • Honorable Mention, Best Student Presentation. International Association for Landscape Ecology, East Lansing, MI. 1998.
  • Fishery Alumni Memorial Award. SNRE, University of Michigan, 1997.
  • Schwartz Memorial Scholarship. Ohio Northern University, 1987-1991.
  • Omicron Delta Kappa, Leadership Society. Ohio Northern University, 1991.
  • Tri-Beta, Honorary Society in Biology. Ohio Northern University, 1990.
Grants (U of M)
  • Developing a lake classification system for Michigan inland lakes. USFW State Wildlife Grant. P.I. with P. Sorrano (MSU), M. Bremmigan (MSU), and J. Breck (MDNR). 2004-2006, Supporting PhD student at MSU.
  • Ecological inventory of inland lakes in Michigan. USFW State Wildlife Grant. Co-P.I. with E. Rutherford (UM). 2004-2006, $418,350.
  • Landscape-based modeling of fish species distributions in Michigan Rivers for use in Great Lakes Aquatic GAP Analysis. U.S Geological Survey. P.I. with M. Wiley (UM), D. Reader (USGS), and P. Seelbach (MDNR). 2003-2006, $169,488.
  • Feasibility of using hydroacoustics to estimate fish abundance in large inland lakes. MDNR. Co-PI with R. Clark (UM). 2002-2005. $100,000.
  • Ecological classification of rivers for environmental assessment: demonstration, validation, and application to regional risk assessment across Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. EPA STAR. Co-P.I. with P. Seelbach (MDNR), M. Wiley (UM), D. Allan (UM), J. Lyons (WDNR), L. Wang (WDNR), D. Austen (IDNR), B. Pijanowski (MSU), J. Stevenson (MSU) 2002-2005, $842,547.
  • Inventory and evaluation of habitat improvement projects in Michigan streams. Federal Sportfish Restoration Funds and MDNR. Co-P.I with M. Wiley (UM). 2001-2004, $60,000.
  • Ecological and economic consequences of hydropower-related watershed restoration on salmonid productivity in Great Lakes tributaries. Michigan Sea Grant. Co-P.I. with E. Rutherford (UM), M. Moore (UM) and F. Lupi (MSU). 1999-2001, $139,655.
  • Impacts of watershed fragmentation and restoration on fish habitat, migration, and production in Great Lakes tributaries. Great Lakes Protection Fund. Co-P.I. with E. Rutherford (UM), J. Diana (UM), P. Seelbach (MDNR), J. Tyler (WPI). 1999-2002, $244,334.
Grants (USEPA)
  • Innovative approaches to improve the TMDL process: using alternative watershed sampling designs to measure and classify exposure to natural and anthropogenic determinants of ecological condition. EPA RARE Program. Co-P.I. with S. Cormier (USEPA). 2001-2003, $124,000.
  • A small watershed characterization, classification, and assessment for West Virginia utilizing EMAP design and tools. EPA R-EMAP. Co-P.I. with D. Cincotta (WVDNR) and N. Detenbeck (USEPA). 2001-2003, $360,000.
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. In Press. Influence of landscape features on summer water temperatures in lower Michigan streams. Pages xxx-xxx in R. M. Hughes, L. Wang, and P. W. Seelbach, editors. Influences of landscapes on stream habitats and biological assemblages. American Fisheries Society, Symposium, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Seelbach, P.W., M.J. Wiley, M.E. Baker, and K.E. Wehrly. In revision. Landscape-based identification and classification of ecological river segments: concepts, approach, and application across Michigan's Lower Peninsula. Environmental Management
  • Wehrly, K.E., and L. Wang. In preparation. Relationships between temperature and trout populations in Michigan and Wisconsin. To be submitted to Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
  • Baker E., K.E. Wehrly, P.W. Seelbach, L. Wang, M.J. Wiley, and T. Simon. In press. Use of explicit statistical modeling to assess ecological stream condition in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
  • Horne, B.D., E.S. Rutherford, and K.E. Wehrly. 2004. Simulating effects of hydro-dam alteration on thermal regime and wild steelhead recruitment in a stable-flow Lake Michigan tributary. River Research and Applications 20:185-203.
  • Wehrly, K.E. M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. 2003. Classifying regional variation in thermal regime based on stream fish community patterns. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:18-38.
  • Wiley, M.J., P.W. Seelbach, K.E. Wehrly, and J. Martin. 2002. Ecological context normalization using linear models: a meta-method for scaling stream assessment indicators. Pages 202-223 in T.P. Simon, Editor. Biological response signatures: multimetric index patterns for assessment of freshwater aquatic assemblages. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Reports and Theses
  • Lockwood, R.N., and K.E. Wehrly. Submitted. Sample sizes for inland lake habitat and shoreline development metrics. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report.
  • Steen, P.J., and K.E. Wehrly. Submitted. History and inventory of stream habitat improvements for the State of Michigan. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Technical Report.
  • Baker E.A., K.E. Wehrly, P.W. Seelbach, M.J. Wiley, L. Wang, and T.P. Simon. 2002. Regional normalization models for assessing ecological integrity in streams of the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, R-EMAP, Final Report for Grant R-82620701-2, Duluth, MN.
  • Wehrly, K.E. 1999. The influence of thermal regime on the distribution and abundance of stream fishes in Michigan. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Michigan.
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. 1998a. Landscape-based models that predict July thermal characteristics of lower Michigan rivers. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Research Report Number 2037, Ann Arbor.
  • Wehrly, K.E. M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. 1998b. A thermal habitat classification for rivers in Michigans lower peninsula. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Research Report Number 2038, Ann Arbor.
  • Wehrly, K.E. 1995. The effects of temperature on the growth of juvenile lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Research Report Number 2004, Ann Arbor.
  • Wehrly, K.E., M. J. Wiley, and P. W. Seelbach. Landscape influences on stream temperatures in Michigan. American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI. August 2004.
  • Wehrly, K.E. The influence of temperature on fishes. Ann Arbor Chapter Trout Unlimited, March 2003. (Invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E. Thermal Ecology of Michigan Fishes. North American Native Fish Association Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. August 2002. (invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. Using a landscape-based approach to develop watershed management plans and restoration targets. DEQ Nonpoint Source (NPS) Grantee Workshop, Lansing, MI. June 2001. (invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. Application of landscape-based tools in statewide water quality monitoring and assessment programs. Department of Environmental Quality GLEAS Workshop, Lansing, MI. May 2001. (invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E., P.W. Seelbach, M.J. Wiley, M.E. Baker, and T.G. Zorn. Developing a macro-habitat information framework: Michigans approach to classifying stream resources. Annual Meeting of the North Central Division AFS, Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, Rock Island, IL. March 2001. (invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E., P.W. Seelbach, and M.J. Wiley. Monitoring and assessing trends in Michigans fish populations and aquatic resources. Annual Meeting of Michigan Chapter, North American Lake Management Society; and Michigan State Section, American Water Resources Association, East Lansing, MI. March 2001. (invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. Application of a thermal habitat classification for Lower Michigan Rivers. Fisheries/Riparian/Watershed Workshop for the Huron-Manistee National Forests, U.S. Forest Service, Cadillac, MI. February 1999. (invited)
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. Local- and landscape-scale controls on thermal characteristics in Michigan rivers. International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference, East Lansing, MI. March 1998.
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. Landscape influences on thermal habitats in Michigan rivers. 126th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Dearborn, MI. August 1996.
  • Wehrly, K.E., M.J. Wiley, and P.W. Seelbach. Predicting site-scale temperature patterns using watershed-scale parameters in Michigan streams. 125th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL. August 1995.
  • Wehrly, K.E. The effects of temperature on the growth of juvenile lake sturgeon, (Acipenser fulvescens). Annual Meeting of the Canadian Zoological Society, Guelph, Ontario. May 1993.
Graduate Student Committees
  • Paul Steen (MS, SNRE) Evaluation of stream habitat improvement projects in Michigan
  • Dan Wyns (MS, SNRE) Feasibility of using hydroacoustics to estimate fish abundance